Wisedom for Colleges

Wisedom for Colleges

Current Scenario

  • Universities are struggling to meet rapid change in learner’s need
  • Very fewer colleges are offering skill based programs
  • Lack of AI driven virtual tutors & mentors structuring learning path, provide assessment tasks, give feedbacks, adjust modules according to progress & arrange for human tutor when needed

Our Offerings

  • EdTech through app–based learning, online student communities & lesson delivery beyond ‘chalk & talk’
  • Everyday learning through highly structured formal education, on-campus to online or self managed to expert based models
  • Internship on during the program


  • Provide structural reforms to cater to new skill’s need with new vocational lead programs
  • Provide multi-disciplinary, holistic Under Graduate education with flexible curricula, creative combinations of subjects, integration of vocational education & multiple entry & exit points with appropriate certification
  • Provide adjunct support for individual learning path. Teach using AI with human intervention wherever required
  • Provide hands-on experience, social interaction & disciplinary expertise on demand for your pupils
WisEDom is an ‘Edtech’ company combining Technical and Educational streams to enhance offerings by Institutions. Read More


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